Friday, July 30, 2010

'Cougar Town' keeping its title

So much for my Family Jules idea.

The exhaustive search for a new title for ABC’s Cougar Town—one that better reflects the show’s evolution from single-woman-on-the-prowl sitcom to dysfunctional-family comedy—has been scrapped, exec producer Bill Lawrence confirms to me exclusively.

“I’m not changing the title,” Lawrence tells me. “We never thought of a good new one, which kind of sucks. And when you look at the modern landscape of television, changing the title means changing your DVR and all this other stuff.”

Lawrence says he’s hopeful the publicity surrounding the proposed title change will “get the message out” that Cougar Town has become a different (and vastly improved) show.

“It’ll be a funny burden to have,” he shrugs. “It might be the worst titled show of all time.”

Thoughts? Do you agree that it’s too late to fix the show’s broken title? Are you comfortable telling your friends that your favorite comedy is called Cougar Town? (I am!) Sound off below!
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