Tuesday, June 15, 2010

'Glee' gets rights to Coldplay songs -- will it use them?


"Glee" didn't have much trouble getting the rights to use songs by big artists this season -- but there were a couple of exceptions.

Canadian balladeer Bryan Adams said no to the show, co-creator Ryan Murphy says, and so did Coldplay -- at least at first.

"At the beginning, a lot of people didn't know what we were and asked to see pages, but I refused because I didn't want to set precedent of them having any involvement," Murphy tells The Hollywood Reporter. "Coldplay and Bryan Adams were really the only rejections. But Coldplay called a week ago and said, 'We're sorry, you can have our catalog.'"

That's probably a savvy move on Coldplay's end -- having a song featured on "Glee" can result in a nice windfall. But we're not so sure if that's a great idea for "Glee."

Murphy doesn't say whether the show will actually use Coldplay next season, but huge though the band may be, the likes of "Yellow" and "Fix You" don't seem like the most show choir-y of songs to us. Unless there's an episode where everyone in New Directions gets all mopey for an hour, or one where Gwyneth Paltrow guest-stars.

What do you think? Would "Glee" and Coldplay be a good fit?
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